Then today I watched part of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent." Pretty soon, they are going to have one of these shows for each person, man, woman and child, in the USA. "Law & Order: Roger Angle."
Wouldn't that be fun? And one for Adam and John and Leif and my neighbors Pat and Franco and all my friends. Like everyone has a dog and a bathroom, everyone can have their own Law & Order. "Law & Order: Eat A Banana." One for every activity you can think of.
They already have them set in the UK and in L.A. They will have one in your town soon. And in your car, even if it's in the garage.
What got me about the show was its remarkable moral complexity. This is serious, now. In one episode, a college student pulled an elaborate stunt to get the cops to look for his kidnapped little brother. (SPOILER ALERT) He sent out a video that made it look like a girl was being raped.
In the end, she was part of the stunt, and the cops did find the missing kid. Wow, the bad guy became the good guy, and in the end it seemed like he did the right thing. He got his brother back and freed him from the crazy woman who had kidnapped him.
So the show was morally complex. I found that fascinating. And I thought the show was well done. Good acting, directing, writing. Riveting.
I don't know why I didn't like it before. Maybe I was too busy before and was bored last night before I turned it on. Whatever. I'm on the bandwagon now.
-- Roger
Law & Order: The Ninth Year
© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle
I can't wait to see Law and Order: Roger Angle. It sounds right up there with "Coupoun Clippers" and think of all the moral questions that one could bring up.
Yeah, I know it's coming, and I hope they don't bring up all my past sins. That would be too much. The show would be too long.
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