Thursday, March 3, 2011


Beavis and Koch-Head are walking down the street. They pass a McDonald's and a drug store.
Beavis: Hey, I got a good idea. Let's feed the people tons of junk food and prescription drugs. Let's get 'em so fat and full of pills we can do anything we want.
Koch-Head: You think we could actually convince them to hate the unions and fear the Muslims and spend all their money on the military? 
Beavis: Hell, yes. The people are really stupid.
Koch-Head: Think we could convince 'em to love the Tea Party and hate the Democrats?
Beavis: Sure.
K-H: Think we could get 'em to put up with deregulation of everything, so we can take all their money and make them work for peanuts?
B: Hell, yeah.
K-H: Think we could discredit teachers and make people think they don't need to go to school?
B: Certainly.
K-H: Think we could get 'em to hate foreigners and hate intellectuals and hate those damn people who read books?
B: Damn straight.
K-H: Convince 'em we should cut out government all together?
B: Sure, man, you don't know how stupid the hoople-heads are.
K-H: Convince 'em to love Wall Street and envy the rich, even though the rich are taking away all their rights and all their money?
B: Sure, why not?
K-H: Hell, man. We're already there.
B: Thank God.
K-H: God bless America, man. The land of the rich.
B: Government by the rich, for the rich...
K-H: And of the common man.
B: Screw the common man.
K-H: Right on.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times And Ideas Of The Great Economic Thinkers [7th Edition]

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