Wednesday, March 2, 2011


A huge fight is going on in Washington, DC, right now over the federal budget and the deficit. Politicians act like they are pulling each others' teeth trying to fix it.

But the other day, taking a break between working out, reading the news online, and writing my two blogs, I balanced the U.S. federal budget in about five minutes, using the NY Times Budget Puzzle:,%20balance%20the%20budget&st=cse

I bet you can do it, too. Click on the above link and try it yourself. 

Let me know how long it takes you. I just did it again, and saved way too much money, and went back and restored some of my cuts. That all took less than four minutes. Not four years or four days.

What is the holdup in Washington? Politics. Every senator and representative has people they have to please, lobbyists who give them money and expect something in return.

I don't have any of that. Maybe I should run for president.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle


Federal Budget Deficits and the U.S. Economy: A Summary of the Proceedings of the Conference Boards Economic Policy Forum (Conference Board Report)

Taxes, Spending, and the U.S. Government's March Towards Bankruptcy

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