Thursday, March 17, 2011


I just spent the last few days hassling with a computer virus. What a pain in the butt.

If you know any hackers who create these viruses, please tell them for me I'd like to break their fingers, one by one, until they stop.

This virus was like a bad joke, a prank. It changed certain character names in my novel to "I," so that a sentence that might have read "John hated Jeannie" now read "I hated Jeannie." The sentences still made sense, but their meaning was changed.

It was maddening. I am now going through 100 pages of edited work, line by line, sentence by sentence, to double check. And I will have to keep an eye out for these weird changes in the rest of the 650-page typescript.

Yargh. Of course, it could have been worse. At least, the hacker didn't destroy the whole book.

My advice: always have a good, up-to-date antivirus program installed and working. I use Trend Micro (which I must have mis-installed), but Phil, my computer guru, recommends Norton, by Symantec.

Either way, don't go online without one.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle 


Sharine said...

Or spend the extra bucks and purchase an Apple computer. Different platform is more resistant to viruses and hacking.

Roger R. Angle said...

Thanks for the comment. But we had Macs at an ad agency where I worked, and they were not any better. My computer guru Phil says they aren't any better. Their packaging is sure great.