Saturday, March 19, 2011


Today, I was supposed to go out to coffee with a woman I met last week.

I guess it was to be a first date, although I don't believe in "dating" in the traditional sense. I just like to hang out and get to know someone. Go places and do things. Cook for each other. Walk, talk, maybe dance. 

Meeting someone brings up the whole issue of relationships and the single life. To tell the truth, I love being single. I am completely free, to do whatever I want whenever I want. I don't have to listen to anybody's bullshit. (Pardon my French. But then you speak French, don't you?)

I go to bed when I want, I get up when I want, I take naps when I want. I eat what I want when I want. I spend my days writing and reading and working out. Usually, I work for a living. Often, I spend time with my grandkids. But that's a free involvement. I leave when I want.

It's the ideal life. So why would I want to screw it up by getting involved with a woman? I don't know. Good question. Let me think about it.

I'm sure a lot of women feel the same way. After a certain point in life, relationships seem like more trouble than they are worth.

I'm sure there are advantages to being with someone. But right now, I can't think what they are.

Anyway, she called this morning to cancel. Hmm. Not bad. Another day of freedom. It's hard to beat that.  

As my son said when he was a wise teenager, It takes a damn good woman to beat no woman at all.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle


John said...

In my last comment I told you to go get a girlfriend but now see you don't want one soo, so much for my advice and I did not know that bullshit was french, I must have missed that lesson in class.

Roger R. Angle said...

Yes, they pronounce it buhl-sheet.