Monday, March 14, 2011


These leaking and exploding nuclear power plants in Japan are scary. I wonder if we are doing the right thing building more of them here and in Europe.

Of course, Japan is on a slip-fault zone, or whatever it is called, and it is an island nation, so it is more vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis. Still, that is some spooky stuff, a warning to all of us. I think we should help, as a nation, as much as we can. Send in the Navy.

It seems that every form of energy is either dangerous or inconsequential. Can we really build enough solar and wind farms to power our cities? I think that three-fourths of our electricity in this country is supplied by coal, which loads up the greenhouse gases. And we use so much oil and gasoline. The Prius and other "green" cars just don't seem like enough. 

Maybe every little bit helps, but it all seems inadequate to me. I think we humans need a massive change in lifestyle, world-wide. Otherwise, cough-cough, we are going to need a new planet. And I don't see another one handy.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

1 comment:

Sharine said...

I say no nuclear power plants. Chernobyl. Three-Mile Island. Not like Japan at all.

Nature provides us with virtually limitless transformable power sources.