Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I heard on the radio this morning that a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan killed about 40 people, mostly tribal elders gathered to hold peace talks. (See link below.)

Oh, good, another example of U.S. blood lust and disregard for human life. You can just hear the guys at the controls now, probably in Nevada or Florida or someplace else miles away:

Oh, look, there's a bunch of towel-heads.
Hell, they're probably up to no good.
They never are.
Yeah, let's bomb 'em back to the stone age.
Hell, yes, let 'er fly.

Then they pull the trigger and high-five each other like they are playing a video game.

I've seen those drone video images online: gray and green and grainy. It is impossible to tell who those people are on the ground or what they are doing. All you can tell is there is a bunch of people gathering to do something, but you cannot tell what they are doing or who they are.

In one video I saw, I think from Iraq, two or three SUVs pull up to a building. Maybe a dozen people get out of the cars and go inside the building. You can't tell if it's a wedding party or a coffee shop. Then we bomb them, and the building blows up, and a few survivors come running out. Then we chase them down and kill them. Hurray. The USA strikes again. Oh, goody, let's kill some more innocent people.

What the hell is that for? It reminds me of Viet Nam. They had to burn the villages down to save them from the Viet Cong. How dumb can you get? Now we are killing innocent people in Afghanistan and Pakistan to save somebody from something, I don't quite get what or why.

What produces this attitude on the part of the good old USA? How did we get to be so indifferent to other people in the world? How did we get to be the butchers, the bad guys?

When we went to war against Iraq, then-president George W. "The Moron" Bush couldn't explain why. He just said something like, "In my gut, I know it's the right thing to do."

OK, George. Let's go kill 100,000 innocent civilians and then claim to be the good guys. Whoopee.

Now we are doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Does that make any sense? Good God. What is wrong with this country? Where did we go wrong? We sure as hell did go wrong.

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle


John said...

And now we are doing it in Libya, hell lets just keep adding countrys and let's cut the budget on anything but bombs and go and blow the hell out of everyone. It' not in our country so who cares.

Roger R. Angle said...

Let's drop the big one, as Randy Newman said.