Monday, February 21, 2011


When I first heard about Sarah Palin, I thought she sounded great: Moose hunter, outdoor woman, mayor of a small town, married, big family, lots of kids.

I'm an outdoor guy myself, I love kids, and I come from a family of hunters. My mother used to shoot rabbits out the car window, in the winter, for dinner. Those stews and fricassees were really good.

So I thought Sarah Palin would be my kinda gal.

But as I learned more about her, I realized over time that she represents the worst of America, not the best. She doesn't represent those good old-fashioned values that I grew up with. Not at all.

As I said here before, American society rewards wealth, fame, looks, ignorance, and stupidity. Sarah Palin personifies most of that. But are those good qualifications for high government office?

For those of you in the Tea Party, "personifies" means she represents those values. If you don't understand the word "values," please go look it up. I know these abstract ideas are hard for you.

Let's take this list step by step. Wealth and fame: Mrs. Palin -- former mayor, former governor (who quit the office), TV personality, former VP candidate on the national Republican ticket -- is getting richer by the day, and she is certainly famous.

But why do people admire that? Do they assume the rich and famous are smarter or better than we are? 

Sarah is beautiful, at least with all her makeup on. Have you seen her on that infomercial, "Sarah Palin's Alaska"? She looks pretty bad without lipstick and all that other goop on her face. Her face is like a blank canvas where the makeup artist does a really good job. I had a friend who voted for her "because she has good legs." 

Ignorance. Oh, man. "I can see Russia from my house." What newspapers did she read? "All of them." Who was her favorite founding father? "All of them."

I saw her Alaska TV show. She likes to talk about guns "because it wee-wees the liberals so much."

Gee, that's a good idea, Sarah. Let's make fun of people who care about their country, who care about logic and reason and truth.

Stupidity? I'm not sure about that. She seems to be a very clever politician. She knows how to rally the right-wing loons.

That Mama Grizzly bit seems to have hit home with them, although it was vapid and meaningless to me.

Mama Grizzlies don't really have to know anything. Don't confuse them with the facts. They just kinda feel when something isn't right. Then they move to kill it. Or fix it. Or something.

That "death panel" hokum was a home-run to the right wing. The real death panels were rich insurance companies who were rationing health care before Obamacare came along. Of course, Sarah hates the new healthcare legislation. It might actually save some lives.

There is a new book coming out, from an ex-staffer, Frank Bailey, that says Sarah has a dark side, "including the compulsion to attack enemies, deny truth, play victim and employ outright deception," according to the NY Daily News.

Does that sound like the Sarah Palin you know and love?

Does Sarah Palin embody the best of American values? Integrity, honesty, intelligence, knowledge? Does she examine the facts before she speaks? Does she respect truth, justice and the American way?

I can hear the Tea Party people in my head now. Huh? Sarah Palin? Hell, we love her. She's just like us. Or like we want to be: rich, famous, and ignorant.

Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle


John said...

Ya dude she da best. She talks like the one brother Darl in "As I lay dying".

Roger R. Angle said...

You mean she is an ignorant hillbilly?