Saturday, February 19, 2011


Where do we get the idea that we need someone?

Maybe it's a holdover from our childhoods, where we really do need our parents, for everything -- love and food, shelter and warmth, affection and guidance. If we didn't have these big people, or at least one of them, we would die. Probably.

Maybe that is where we get this feeling that we have to have someone. But when we are grown up and self-sufficient, do we really need anyone?

Hmm. I don't see it. I think it's an illusion.

If we know ourselves and take good care of ourselves, and have friends and a life and a family, do we really need anyone else to love?

I was thinking about my friend who is looking for love. She seems to think she has to have someone.

I don't know, but I doubt it.
Somehow, I feel like I'm enough. For me.
I don't know where I get that feeling, but there it is.

Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle


John said...

Some folks have a need and some of us are happy to be left alone. That is where I want to be now. I can not get into all of this sharing

Roger R. Angle said...

OK, brother.