Thursday, April 14, 2011


I don't understand why the Republicans have their one-and-only policy and one-and-only goal: to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Really, I wish someone could explain it to me.

All they care about is the rich. But why? They act like they are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome, where people who are being held hostage by criminals come to identify with and support their captors. Maybe they want to live so badly that they give up themselves and effect a kind of psychological transference.

The Republicans are like that with the federal budget. They want to cut taxes for the rich, screw the poor and the middle class, and maybe some day some of that money will trickle down to you poor suckers living out there in stupid-voter land.

I suppose the Republicans get all their campaign finance money from the rich, but don't they care anything about the rest of us?

I guess not. It is appalling.

-- Roger

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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