Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's hard to have much sympathy for the future revolutionary hero, when young Ernesto Guevara, in 1953, was living like a bum in Ecuador.

He was an M.D., for Christ's sake. Why didn't he get a goddamn job? You'd think he could work in a hospital somewhere.

He seems to have preferred being a mooch.

I'm only on Page 115 of the Jon Lee Anderson bio, but the young "Che" seems like a jerk here. He says he has trouble showing emotions when he parts with his friends. He says he is "as usual cold... incapable of showing deep feelings."

Another friend recalls Ernesto "crying like a child" at their goodbyes. But I think I know whom to believe.

I hope this doesn't foreshadow him being cold later in Cuba after the revolution.

We'll see, as we plod onward.

-- Roger

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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