Thursday, April 14, 2011


Have you seen the photos of Barry Bonds, before and after he took steroids? They are amazing. Take a look:

He must have gained 100 pounds of muscle. I know a guy at the gym who went from 160 lbs to 260 as a body builder. Did he take steroids? What do you think? Did Barry Bonds?

Come on. You don't get results like that by eating your Wheaties. When I started lifting weights, I gained 30 pounds of muscle and changed my body shape. But not 100 pounds.

The question is, should all athletes be allowed to use them? If you had a choice between making $10-million a year and making $30,000, would you take them? A lot of people would.

So what should we do? Let the jocks run wild? Or test everyone all the time? I doubt if there is a pro sport that doesn't have some kind of drug use.

-- Roger

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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