Friday, August 26, 2011


Mitt the Sh*tt has a problem: He wants to lead a party of misfits, morons, climate deniers, ideologues and ostriches with their heads in the sand.

The Republican mantra, even back in Hoover's time, was "smaller government, lower taxes, less government spending."

I have got the answer for those people: Move to Somalia. It has no government. Therefore, no government spending. Get it?

Please, all you Tea Party types: MOVE TO SOMALIA!

For Christ's sake, get the hell out of here, or stop with this unrealistic B.S. (that stands for bullsh*t) about lowering taxes for the rich.

Do these fantasticks really believe you can have a functioning capitalistic democracy of 300 million people with no government spending? How ridiculous.

I recall what the distinguished Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said: “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.”

Apparently, the Tea Party types don't want civilization. Fine. Somalia is nice this time of year. Become a war-lord.  

I will personally buy Newt Gingrich a one-way ticket to Mogadishu (capital of Somalia, in case you are in the Tea Party and didn't know that) if he will sign a binding contract that forfeits $1-million if he ever sets foot on American soil again.

Of course, since Newtie wants to live in the past, the ticket will be on a boat that he has to row himself. He believes in self-reliance, doesn't he? Practice what you preach, Newtie.

Oh, BTW, I think you can have more than one wife at a time in Somalia. That would suit Newtie just fine, given his history with women.

Meanwhile, back to Mitt the Sh*tt.

Romney needs to provide more leadership. He needs to lead the Republicans away from their unrealistic right-wing ideology and into reality.

Healthcare is a problem, and his version of "Obamacare" in Massachusetts did work. What we need in the good old USA is a single-payer system that covers everyone.

Let's see Mitt come out in favor of that.

That'll be the day, huh?

-- Roger

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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