Thursday, July 21, 2011


I heard on the radio this morning some guy praying to God to protect Michele Bachmann from "the attacks."

I presume he meant verbal and written criticisms of her moronic policies that are designed to protect the rich and screw the middle class and the poor.

I heard her say something to a crowd like, "How many of you want me to go back to Washington and help the Democrats raise spending?"

The crowd booed on cue, like the morons they are.

She should have asked, "How many of you want me to keep representing Wall Street and big business and big banks? How many of you want to keep getting screwed by the rich?"

I wonder if they would have cheered then. Because that is what she is doing, along with the other Republicans.

Oh Buddha, save us from Wall Street and the Republicans.

I cannot believe that Bachmann and the other right wingers can get away with screwing the middle class and the poor so openly.

We need to pray that God (if there is one) gives Michele Bachmann a brain, to see what is really going on, and the courage to stand up against the big banks and the rich.

That'll be the day, huh?

-- Roger

© Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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