Sunday, January 27, 2013


When I lost 15 pounds over six months, I did it by cutting calories, but the key was eating foods that lasted but were low in calories.

Now that I have gained 5 lbs back, I need to rededicate myself to losing some lard.

I need foods that are high in protein, fiber and healthy fat. One of my staples was Go Lean cereal by Kashi. Problem was, I ate too much of it, and it has so much fiber that it can be hard to digest.

What any weight-loss program needs are foods that make you feel full, don't make you even more hungry, and provide basic nutrition.

Here are some websites that help:

Self magazine:

I love its slide shows on diet tips and diet mistakes.

The Mayo Clinic:

Getting lean and staying slim comes down to a choice you make every time you pick up a spoon or pick up a weight.

Yesterday, I got hooked on trail mix. Boy, that stuff tastes good. But it is sky-high in calories. One-fourth of a cup has 160 calories. That isn't even a handful. It's easy to lard up.

The opposite of that is lean meat, which has a high ratio of protein to calories and is low in fat.

We all need to find the foods that work for us.

Good luck. To you and me. We all need it.

-- Roger

Copyright © 2013, Roger R. Angle

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