Monday, March 12, 2012


I just read this Mother Jones story about the stupid, penny-pinching, back-breaking, hurry-up world of working for a warehouse that delivers on-line goods:

This is what happens when you don't have unions and everyone wants to save a buck.

These low-wage jobs are hurting the economy, I think, as well as ruining the lives of thousands of people who have no choice but to take these jobs.  

I think I am at fault, too. Think I'll start paying for shipping on Amazon. I'd be willing to pay 10% or 20% more for the goods I buy, to prevent this kind of exploitation of working people.

This wage-slave world is Mitt Romney's world, where corporations are supposedly people, and we all sacrifice ourselves so the rich can have big houses and expensive toys.

We are becoming a third-world country thanks to this kind of thing.

Welcome to the new America.

-- Roger 

Copyright © 2012, Roger R. Angle

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