Monday, January 2, 2012


Today, I read in the New York Review of Books (9/29/11, Page 27) that we in the USA spend about $80-billion a year fighting what we perceive as terrorism, not including the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and other military efforts around the world.

According to David Cole, a professor of law at Georgetown U., estimates put the total number of Al Qaeda and its sympathizers in the whole world at 3,000 to 5,000 people.

"That means we are spending between $16-million and $27-milllion per year on each potential terrorist."

Does that seem insane to you? It does to me.

Why don't we just bribe them? If you offered me a million bucks a year to change my mind about some foreign country I didn't like, I sure as hell would think about it. If they won't take our stupid money, why don't we assassinate them? We seem to be pretty good at that.

Our nation--the good old USA--is driven by fear out of all proportion to the threat. We are a nation of scaredy cats. What a bunch of gutless wonders.

Something happens to our collective consciousness when we all try to act together. We show no courage and no common sense.

It makes me sad and ashamed.

-- Roger

Copyright © 2012, Roger R. Angle

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