Friday, October 9, 2009


It was amazing today. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. I was shocked at first. I even laughed out loud.
And then I thought about it.
Yes, it was undeserved. He hasn't done anything yet.
But on the other hand, it was wonderful.

Because he represents hope.
Our new president spreads hope around the world.
Hope for peace.

Hope for a rational and non-ideological approach to the world's problems.
Hope for Israel and the Palestinians.
Hope for the starving Africans.
Hope for Arabs and Asians, hope for Muslims and Christians and Jews.
Hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts between immigrants and their reluctant hosts in Europe.
Hope for an end to racism.
Hope for an end to senseless wars.
Hope for a stronger economy.
Hope for the world's environment.
Hope for a better way and a break from the past.

Now let the real work begin.

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