Monday, September 8, 2008

God And Iraq

Another thought on the idea that the war in Iraq is part of God's plan:
It's a way of shifting responsibility. Oh, no, we can't blame President George W. Bush for the war, even though he and his administration came up with the idea, planned it, justified it with phony reports of WMD, and sent our sons and daughters over there to kill and be killed.
They aren't responsible.
God did it.
Whew, what a relief.
No free will here.
I bet they feel better now.
We all do.
Can people apply this to their everyday life?
If you are late to work, that's OK, it's part of God's plan.
If you cheat on your wife, that's OK, it's part of God's plan.
If you cheat on your income tax, or steal from your boss, or get drunk and run over someone in the street, that's OK, it's all part of God's great big happy plan for us all.
God knows what is best for us, so it’s OK.
What a relief. Next time you’re late to work or disappoint a friend or one of your kids, tell them it doesn’t matter. It’s all right. It's God's plan.
Thank heaven.


Petunia Press Books said...

Sarah Palin said we should pray that God has a plan for why we are in Iraq:

And later in the same speech she tells the congregation to pray to make sure the Alaskan pipeline gets built:

Roger R. Angle said...

Thanks. That makes more sense. But I'm not sure God has anything to do with either the war or the pipeline.