Sunday, February 6, 2011


You've no doubt noticed how pro-football teams have macho names: the Broncos, the Steelers (not the Stealers, that would be Wall Street), the Packers, the Vikings, etc.

And you've heard football analyzed as a war game. Throwing the bomb, violent hits, taking the other team's territory by force.

I think we should have some pacifist teams, to represent the softer side of humanity.

How about the Philadelphia Quakers? They could pray over the ball, and tackle the other teams' running backs gently, and quote the Bible when they celebrate, if they ever do, in the end-zone.  

Or the Choir Boys? They could sing hymns during huddles.

Or the Big Babies? They could cry, waa-waa, when they lose.

I don't mean to demean the Super Bowl. I loved it, although it was not an exciting game. I'm glad my team won. I thought Pittsburgh was going to come back and stomp us at the end. They seemed like the more dominant team. Yay, Packers.

Copyright 2011, Roger R. Angle

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