Sunday, May 24, 2009


It would be tempting to call ex-Vice President Dick Cheney a moron. He spouts obvious hokum about water-boarding and the myth that the last Bush administration kept America safe by its phony "War On Terror."
I disagree with Cheney and think his statements are stupid and misdirected.
However, I don't think he's a complete fool.
His reactions are dictated by the only-human truth that "Where you stand depends on where you sit."
I think it was Mark Twain who said, "Tell me who signs your paycheck, and I'll tell you your political views," or something like that. (I wasn't able to find it using Google.)
Cheney is worth many millions (so says Newsweek) and he got those millions from the military-industrial complex via Halliburton.
In that regard, he is like Pavlov's dog. The bell of big money rings, and he salivates. Big money in this regard comes from the huge dollars made by Cheney and his cohorts from the War On Terror and much of that from the War Against Iraq.
So Cheney is still salivating and is sorry the bell may someday cease to ring.
Ding-dong, Dick. Ding-dong.
Let's call him Ding-Dong Dick.
Do not send to know for whom the bell rings.
It rings for Dick.


Sharine said...

Yeah, he's just doing his job....

DING-DONG! "Dick, it's time to go on TV. Here's your script!"

DING-DONG! "Dick, it's time to write a book. Here's your story."

DING-DONG! "Dick, it's time to write a WaPo op-ed. We've gone ahead and penned it for you, so you can get in all 18 holes today."

DING-DONG! "Psst, Dick, don't forget your check!"

Roger R. Angle said...

Thanks, Sharine.