Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was incensed yesterday to hear former Vice President Dick Cheney call Obama a "weak president."
No, Dick, that isn't weakness, it's intelligence.
Cheney criticized Obama for "apologizing" in Europe and Mexico for past U.S. actions.
Obama is right to strike a new course for the USA.
No more torture, no more illegal wars, no more giving the finger to the rest of the world.
No more "You're either with us or against us."
No more mindless ideologies.
No more paranoid right-wing fantasies that millions of rabid Muslims are out to destroy America.
No more politics driven by fear.
No more stupid statements like "Mission Accomplished" and "You're doing a heckuva job" when the person isn't even doing his job.
Bush treated the government like a giant cash cow, funneling money to his friends and to his "base," the very wealthy, instead of spending it for the good of the nation.
No, Mr. Cheney, we don't have a weak president.
We have a strong and smart president.
For a change.
Thank God.

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